Time for us to wise up.

I’m going to tell a story that goes back to my high school days and hopefully people will understand without saying I am bigot or something worse.

I’ve always has a great admiration for our real North Americans native. I admire many of their traits and acceptance of the natural order. I love how most accept the mother earth philosophy. Okay that being said, I am going to recount a tale that I am going to use to bring your attention to some of today’s problems.

When I was in high school I had a job at a steel bending yard. It was hard work and I did it from 7 at night to 7 in the morning. The work was hard and the operators had trouble getting employees. Native Indians were hired most of the time and they were pretty good workers except that the ones working there liked to drink. Yes I know, its a stereotype. These guys would jump the 15 foot high fences to get out after the bosses left. We were actually locked in at night, in those days.
They jumped the fence to go around the corner to the beer store and they would come back with cases of beer.
Jump ahead to a day when one of the guys, whom I really liked got really drunk…I mean really drunk. He was running around causing trouble. I tried to talk to him but he scared me…he was a big boy. I asked his co-workers to get him under control. They answered me with something that up to this time was to me a stupid stereotype. The guys answered me with this comment that I always remembered.

“Are you crazy, we can’t stop him…he’s a drunken Indian.’
I certainly never expected those words to come out of the mouths of other Indians. It was not a PC thing to say even back in the late 60′s early 70′s. I always remembered it, because his friends were really afraid of him and avoided him. They were afraid of him, pure and simple.

So, the point of me telling you this is to compare it to a situation we have today in the world. Islamic terrorists and how they get away with so much.
It is a rare thing when you see much, if any, criticism of these killers by other non-radical Muslims.Why is that? Simple answer is….
“Are you crazy we can’t stop them….their crazy Islamists.”

Like my native friends, pretty well all Islamists are afraid of these terrorists because they know what they are like…savage, uncaring, sadistic bastards who use anything in the Koran they can to justify killing non Muslims and Muslims who try to better themselves. They get away with this because regular Muslims are afraid of these guys. They know a dangerous Islamist when they see one.

Let us understand one thing. Muslim soldiers and governments try to stop them but they fight back, savagely and have no problem with dying for their cause. They do not care who they kill… adults or infant children. It is difficult to win over these type of people. The only way to stop them is to reduce their number and that is not by putting them in prison or giving them due justice. It is a waste of time. They are rabid dogs who kill and kill without any care for themselves. You can… not…. win… against those with that type of ideology. It is hard to beat people who just don’t care. They kill because they have nothing to lose. Dying is a blessing so how do you convert them against their use of violence. You can’t. They need to be given what they want, a good death so they can go to heaven and get their 72 virgin goats.

These terrorists should be shot on sight like rabid dogs… anything else is a waste of time. Regular Muslims who want a good life to bring up their families happily, know this is the case. So time has come for the rest of the world to help the good Islamists solve these problems in a final way before we are all entangled in a savage world war that you have seen only in movies up to now. Time to decide, solve this now or face something worse, in the not too distant future. Just stop seeing them as people…see them as rabid dogs….because they do not see their enemies as people…they see them as fuel to feed their frenzied hunger to get their way and only their way. Rabid dogs can not be satisfied or saved, they can only be put down…pure fact.

I know this goes against everything we believe in as Christians or as human beings with rational logical, loving thoughts. It hurts to even think about this let alone suggest what I am suggesting. It goes against everything I believe in, but I have to say this because I realize that our choices are quickly becoming limited. Our time is running out…it is time to…DECIDE!!!