Former Imam Of The Grand Mosque In Mecca, Adel Kalbani: ‘ISIS Has The Same Beliefs As We Do’

The President of Turkey, Erdogan, explained it to President Obama this way: “There is no extreme Islam. There is no moderate Islam. Islam is Islam.”

Former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Adel Kalbani: “Daesh ISIS have the same beliefs as we do”. This video is pretty well self explanatory.

In a TV appearance, Sheikh Adel AlKilbani, former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, is asked to comment about some of his statements about Daesh. Explaining how it is a result of Islamic revivalism, he adds that Daesh follows the same Salafist approach that is adopted in Saudi Arabia, and that there are only some differences regarding how to punish those who contravene the Shari’a.