Category Archives: Uncategorized

Gun Sales Soar in Germany: “We are no longer safe in our own country without a weapon”

Gun permits and the subsequent purchase of weapons have risen substantially in Cologne, Germany, since the mass sexual assaults on New Year’s Eve.

The police have lost the public trust, as their response to the assaults, committed by marauding gangs of “foreign men”, was paltry. Now citizens feel they must arm themselves in order to feel safe in public places.
Estimates of at least eight to ten application requests are being presented to the Düsseldorf police, spokesperson Andre Hartwich stated. At this pace, the 1500 requests for 2015, will be more than doubled, though Hartwich believes the interest will decrease.

Thus far, Frankfurt Police procedural office reports that they have had at least 13 applications a day, in comparison to the previous year’s one to two a day.

When crime happens and the police to nothing, whether by government compulsion or negligence, the people will rise up to protect themselves, Keep reading, there’s more to learn

Media Silent As Muslims Ethnically Cleanse 60,000 Christians In Philippines

When thousands of Muslims become refugees, then you can’t get the media to shut up about it for weeks. Thousands of Muslim migrants invading Burma became “refugees” and the media has spent the better part of a year ranting about how evil the Buddhists are.

But when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian city creating tens of thousands of refugees, you couldn’t pay the media to cover the story, whether it’s in Syria, Egypt or closer to home in the Philippines. Keep reading, there’s more outrage below!

Ottawa police crack down on drivers who leave snow on cars

Really people how stupid can you be. Clear your car of show. Otherwise….

It only takes a few minutes out in the cold, but many Canadian drivers hit the road without having brushed off the snow and ice caked on the exterior of their cars.

In Ottawa the crime carries a $110 fine, but despite the threat one local police officer is taking the matter into his own hands to prevent the behaviour.

Const. Phil Kane of the Ottawa Police Department says the snow and ice buildup that drivers neglect to brush off can pose a deadly hazard to fellow drivers.

“They aren’t clearing off the headlights, turn signals and the roof is the big thing,” he told CTV Ottawa.

“That ice is going to fly off and go through a windshield, or somebody is going to panic and do some defensive maneuver and it could cause a collision,” he added.

After warning one driver on Wednesday morning, Kane ended up pulling over 63 cars in just 90 minutes. Keep reading, there’s more stupidity below!

DESTRUCTION: ISLAMIC Refugees Destroying Everything They Touch in Italy

Reports coming in from various European News Outlets are confirming mass migration rampage events by hoards of Islamists cloaked as “refugees”.

“Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria i saw a huge crowd of immigrants. With all solidarity to people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror.This huge mass of people – sorry – but it’s an absolute wilderness … Vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting “We want Germany”. So what, Germany is now a paradise?
I saw an elderly Italian woman in a car that was surrounded by the immigrants. They pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted to use it to go to Germany. They tried to topple the bus i was in. They threw feces at us, banging on the door for the driver to open it, spat on the glass. My question is- for what purpose? How do they want to assimilate in Germany? For a moment, i felt like in a warzone. I really feel sorry for these people, but if they would reach Poland – I do not think they would receive any understanding from us.

We spent three hours on the border, but failed to get through. The whole group was later transported back to Italy by the police. Keep reading, there’s more outrage below!

Animal That Survives in Space Has Weird DNA

The only animal known to survive the extreme environment of outer space without the help of special equipment turns out to have the most foreign DNA of any species.
Water bears, also known as tardigrades, have genomes that are nearly one-sixth foreign, meaning that the DNA comes from creatures other than the animal itself, new research finds.

The discovery, published in the Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, adds to the evidence that tiny water bears are incredibly unique and seemingly indestructible animals. In 2007, some were even rocketed into space on the outside of a satellite.

Animals With Mad Skillz: Keep reading, there’s more to learn

Sweden and Denmark have highest number of sexual assaults in Europe: EU’s flawed Muslim migration policy

It’s abolutely criminal that the government and authorities continues to hide the fact that these dramatic figures are a direct result from a growing Muslim and migration presence in Europe. To not reveal this fact to the public and allow the people a choice to decide their own future and whether to support mass migration or not is completely undemocratic. Europe’s decades of struggles to give security and equality to women and children is under threat from social engineerings and one-sided government policies that refuses to listen to facts or allow proper data to be collected.

The European Union has pushed unprotected women and children into the arms of a foreign assaulter who present a medieval mindset which endlessly victimize and targets these groups as ‘lesser worthy’ beings. Muslim societies not only encourage the attack, beating, rape and even killing of women but also legalizes it.
Keep reading, there’s more outrage below!

Naming bridges after fallen officers in Hamilton

Hamilton is pondering whether to or not to name bridges after fallen police officers. This is not a bad idea but we should also consider naming them after fallen firemen who risk their lives a lot more than police officers do. Everyone is pretty up with doing this in Hamilton. BUT….some idiots decided that we should also name them after officers who committed suicide because of on duty pressures. Okay I don’t know who the moron is who suggested this but that person is an IDIOT. Why would you honour those who can not take the pressure of life and end it. Is this what we want to tell our youth? Do we want to give them the idea that suicide is painless and that it is a great way to go and that we even honour and glorify people who kill themselves. What type of idiot would even suggest something like this? Why the Spectator would even decide to run this as a front page story is beyond me. Seriously, let’s hope that Hamilton City Council will not embarrass the people of Hamilton by even considering this idiotic proposal. The stupidity of some people amazes me.

Government should pay for bigots to leave.

I was reading the Spectator readers letter column and came across one of the most ignorant letters I have read in a while. Terry Morgan you are an ass is my first comment. Terry wrote that since it seems that he is all for bringing in Syrian refugees the rest of the people out there who have any thoughts that do not comply with his way of thinking are bigots. The best part is that he thinks that anyone disagreeing with bringing in refugees are bigots and that the government should deport bigots to the United States. First off it is not something that the government can do and second who the fcuk is he to decide what Canadians can think or say. It seems that if you have an opinion contrary to his way of thinking you should not be in Canada. Well, Terry Morgan, it is you who does not belong in Canada,

It is nice that we allow Syrians to come to Canada as no one wants to see them suffer but people have reservations seeing what turmoil it is causing in Europe. This does not make them bigots. People will always hate and be wary of others. It is the way humans are. We eventually change our tune when we see the new immigrants conform to our Canadian ways and leave their old country customs behind. Canada has no room for anyone who comes here and dictates how we should live because of the way it was back home. We do not want to have to abide by some rules or religious beliefs of other religions.

These ideas are not bigoted as Terry wants us to believe. He even goes as far as to compare us to white supremacists from the United States. You know Terry some people who worry or have problems with refugees happen to be many colours and most are immigrants like myself. Somehow he seems to think that Canada would benefit if we got rid of 25,000 bigots from Canada. One definition of a bigot is “a person who is obstinately or intolerably devoted to his or her own opinion and prejudices”. SO TERRY LET ME INVITE YOU TO JOIN THE LIST OF THE 25,000 BIGOTS TO BE KICKED OUT OF CANADA. You see you are a bigot because of your prejudices against your fellow Canadians with different opinions. So Terry your are a fcuking ignorant person and a poor Canadian. My opinion of course, that I am expressing because it seems you can express your ignorant opinion so I can as well. That is the good thing about our freedom of speech.

To W. Shadrick who agrees with Terry Morgan and wants to stop the papers from publishing dissenting opinions about Islamic immigrants BECAUSE YOU FIND IT OFFENSIVE…well I find your request offensive to the extreme because no one gives a shit that you are offended. You offend all readers and those that respond in the letter columns. Somehow you two seem to think that we should not as Canadians have the right to express our opinions unless they agree with yours. I think both of you would do well living in Saudi Arabia where neither of you would have the ability to express your opinions. I’m sure there plenty of people out in the real Canada who would be willing to raise money to get you both a flight to that particular country as we don’t need bigots like you. Imagine hating your own countrymen. Shame on you.

‘Would he disapprove of my single heathen lifestyle?’: me and my Syrian refugee lodger

This one of those stories that needs to be shown to let people know that there are some Muslims that respect their new home and women. This is a story of a young woman in Britain who took in a married Muslim man while he waited for his wife and child to arrive. It is an interesting story to read. This is a story that shows not every Muslim is some type of beast. Curiously though this man was a teacher back home with a good education. Maybe this is the common denominator that is needed…education. Well read on…

Yasser and Helen
Yasser and Helen at her home in Manchester

Helen Pidd’s story….“You are not going to like me saying this,” my dad said, “but you need to get a lock on your bedroom door and a lock on your bathroom door. Men can get very frisky when they are away from their wives.”

I rolled my eyes, hung up and panicked. I’d rung my parents to tell them that Yasser, a Syrian refugee, was coming to live with me while he arranged for his wife and baby to join him in Britain. I was a little nervous about the arrangement, but of all the many things worrying me – would he disapprove of my single heathen lifestyle? Could I carry on having bacon butties at the weekend? Should I edit my drinks cupboard? – the possibility of getting molested by my lodger had yet to occur to me. Keep reading, there’s more to learn

Women must integrate, Cameron tells Muslims

This little tidbit came out of Britain in mid January 2016.

The minority of Muslim men in Britain who have “backwards” attitudes to women must be confronted, David Cameron has said, as he vowed to review the role played by Britain’s religious councils, including Sharia courts.

The Prime Minister said that the lack of integration of some Muslim communities allowed “appalling practices” such as female genital mutilation and forced marriage.

He wrote in The Times how he met Muslim women, some of whom “painted an alarming picture of forced gender segregation, discrimination and social isolation from mainstream British life”.

“This is Britain. In this country, women and girls are free to choose how they live, how they dress and who they love. It’s our values that make this country what it is, and it’s only by standing up for them assertively that they will endure,” he wrote.

Cameron will announce on Monday (18 January) a £20m language fund to help the 22% of Muslim women in the UK who have little or no English and raised the prospect that migrants who failed to improve their language skills could lose the chance to remain in Britain. Keep reading, there’s more info!

Female Islamic Professor says rape is an acceptable form of humiliation

Just when you thought Islamic rape and treatment of women couldn’t get any creepier, in walks this blabbering buffoon talking about how it’s OK for Muslim men to rape female prisoners in order to humiliate them.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but we know rape of a woman who is not your significant other is “adultery” and then there’s the whole criminal ordeal that you have to deal with. I’m pretty sure rape is not OK.

I guess this also explains all the Islamic rape parties going on in Europe at the moment.

A timeless document of North American Indians

A timeless document of North American Indians

Edward Curtis undertook one of the greatest photographic odysseys ever when he set out to document North American Indians in the early 20th century. His work now fetches record prices but he died in obscurity. From 2013

Posted by The Economist on Tuesday, December 29, 2015