Afghan law could silence abused

So all these countries US, Canada and other countries wander off to ‘Afghanistupid’ and leave their blood behind to help them better their life and treat their women better and hopefully move towards a real democracy, So, what does ‘Afghanistupid’ do for our sacrifice they actually manage to move backwards as we slowly leave the country? Well, get this, it seems that their backwards parliament decides to introduce a bill that would limit testimony in domestic violence cases. Even though there has been an international outcry that these medieval idiots are rolling back women’s rights once again they still plan on going through with this.
‘Afghanistupid’s’ parliment last month approves changes to the country’s criminal code that would prevent relatives of alleged abusers from testifying against them. So basically if a relative abuses a woman and that person relatives are the only witnesses, they, by law, will not be able to testify in court. Under this law a woman cannot testify against say an uncle who raped her. If a mother sees her daughter beaten by the husband or brother cannot testify. If a brother or sister witness an honour killing by law cannot testify or even be questioned. Abuse a child bride and the relatives cannot testify against you either.
Basically, what we have here is country run by men for men and all women are good for is to listen to men, cook and be sperm receptacles. Isn’t it nice to know that our brave men and women went over there and died just so these ‘Afghanistupid’s’ can just continue on with their status quo ideas? When is the West going to learn that we are wasting our time helping these people? The changes have to come from within. That is why I like what is happening in Egypt and Syria. Yes people are dying but only through this process will the Middle East and the Muslim world ever see any real change. Only when women in places like Saudi Arabia break the laws on mass will change ever happen. Many women are doing this now, but still not enough to bring about massive changes but they are happening. We, as the West should never send soldiers there. We need to bombard the civilians with information to show the women what they can have. Women have to revolt and fight back and hit men in their ‘blue balls’ to evoke the change that is needed. Soldiers will not be able to change this attitude but more embargos from the West will help change things. Hit these stupid countries with tourist embargoes. Don’t sell them, products and most important, do not buy their oil. See how long they last then. Save our soldiers blood and stop trying to help them by fighting for them. Give them all the forms of weapons they need to evoke change in these countries, but don’t give them our blood.