UK Students Warned: Go on Islam Trip or Receive ‘Racist’ Mark

8-11 year-olds were told to go on a “Explore Islam” trip or receive a permanent citation that they were “racists” in their school records.

Back in November, 2013 students who refused to go on an Islam trip would get a mark on their record as being racist. When did not wanting to go on a school trip make you a racist. If students didn’t want to go on a Christian trip or a Buddist trip they would never had been threatened this way. Why is Islam forcing teachers and school boards in England to make Islamic culture compulsory. Well if everyone in the government and it’s agencies know that Islam will take over England soon, then it behooves them to make sure all their kids areaware of what to expect in their future. A shame really, but, that is where England is doomed to head. Oh, and when does it make you a racist if you don’t like or want to be part of a religion and it’s dogma? Anyway, here is the article.

Students as young as 8 years old were ordered to participate in a trip to “Explore Islam” or receive a permanent citation that they were “racists” in their school records.

Parents of children in Years Four to Six (equivalent to third to fifth graders in the American system) at the Littleton Green Community School in Staffordshire, Britain received a letter from the head teacher stating that, as part of the “National Religious Education Curriculum,” that the trip was mandatory.

Further, the letter informed the parents that “Refusal to allow your child to attend this trip will result in a Racial Discriminations note being attached to your child’s education record, which will remain on this file throughout their school career.”

In addition, the school wrote that, “All absences will be investigated for their credibility and will only be sanctioned with a GP sick note.”

The parents were also informed that they were required to pay five pounds ($8) for the trip.

The letter sparked outrage among the parents as well as generating unfavorable media coverage, causing the Stafford County Council to intervene.

The next day, the school’s Headmistress Lynn Small backed down and apologized for “inaccuracies” in the letter, asking parents to “disregard a section from the earlier letter.”

A council spokesman clarified that parents were allowed to choose whether or not to send their children on the trip while saying that it was important for children to learn about different cultures.

one community memeber was quoted as saying, “‘How dare they threaten to brand the children racist at such a young age? It’s going to make them feel like little criminals.”

Stacy Waldron, the parent of an eight-year-old student at the school who received the original letter, said: “I feel my child will be [seen as] racist if I don’t allow her to go. This is my choice, not hers, and she shouldn’t have to pay for it.”

South Staffordshire MP Gavin Williamson called the threat “bonkers” and “a very heavy-handed approach.”